If you want to publish the SRV record of the KMS server in your DNS (for automatic search of the KMS server by clients), run the command: slmgr /sdns.Or you can activate the KMS server by phone (for this you need to run the graphical Volume Activation Tools from the Server Manager) Activate your KMS server in Microsoft: slmgr /ato (the server must have direct access to the Internet to the Microsoft activation servers at least during the activation).If you already have a KMS key activated for a previous version of Windows Server on this server, you must first remove it using the command: slmgr /upk Copy the KMS host key for Windows Server 2022

Sign in to your account on Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) website and go to License -> Relationship Summary -> Select License ID for your Active License contract -> Product Keys.Next, you need to copy your personal KMS Host Key from your Microsoft account on the Volume Licensing Center website and activate your KMS server using this key. Enable the Windows Firewall rule that allows to access the KMS server: Enable-NetFirewallRule -Name SPPSVC-In-TCP (this opens access to the server on TCP port 1688).Īctivating KMS Server on Windows Server 2022/2019.Install the Volume Activation Services role on your server from the Server Manager console or using the PowerShell command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name VolumeActivation -IncludeAllSubFeature –IncludeManagementTools.If you already have a KMS server on Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019, you can use this existing server (in this case, this section can be skipped). To deploy your own KMS server, you need to install the Volume Activation Services role on any of the hosts running Windows Server 2022, 2019, or 2016. Install Volume Activation Services Role on Windows Server GVLK Keys for Windows Server 2022, 2019 and Windows 10 LTSC.Updates to Extend KMS Support for Windows Server 20.Activating KMS Server on Windows Server 2022/2019.